About This Content Extra Episode: Little Miss Natalia dreams that her favorite teddy bear, Lottie, has gone missing. Startled, she awakens face-to-face with another version of herself. Unsure if it is still a dream, together they go in search of Lottie. This is the story of Natalia's mysterious adventure. *This extra episode provides a different gameplay experience than the main campaign. Natalia's original costume is included. *Episode One required to play. 7aa9394dea Title: RER2 Extra Episode: Little MissGenre: Action, AdventureDeveloper:CapcomPublisher:CapcomFranchise:Resident EvilRelease Date: Mar 17, 2015 RER2 Extra Episode: Little Miss Download 2gb Ram resident evil revelations 2 extra episode little miss dlc. rer2 extra episode little miss. resident evil revelations 2 extra episode little miss I've got the DLC in season bundle It's fun, but bit boring. All sneaking up and hiding from uroboros. Still dark natalia kind of rules here, she could slap the monster and go away with it just fine xD. For stealth lovers. Aaaand some pedophiles, ha ha, just kidding.. It's an interesting DLC that has that Silent Hill vibe to it, but it's very short, repetitive, and doesn't add much to the story at all. All you do is play 2 versions of Natalia and have to get from one part of the map to the other without getting spotted. It's super easy. I was able to beat it 35 minutes. If you buy the complete RER2 bundle that has all the DLC then it's fine just to play once, but no way is it worth the $5 price tag by itself.. If you're like me and just want the dress you can buy the DLC and you can wear it without having to do the story . I like silent hill and so I may actually try the dlc someday because that's what it reminds me of. For fun if this review isn't updated that means I still hadn't tried it yet. C:. This DLC tries to explain what happens to Natalia before she meets Barry. Unfortunatly nothing new is discovered and almost the entire content is just recyled assets from the main game. No new areas, mechanics, enemies or story reveals. Only a couple videos that feature the Teddy bear Lottie and very view hints at what happens to Natalia. The player will not start inside the laboratory and explore the tower. Instead the player will just watch a short video and spawn in the sewers at the exact same spot where Barry begins his chapter 3 with Natalia.After all this is a failed attempt at stealth gameplay with Natalia in the focus, accompanied by "herself" as imaginary partner. During this short DLC that will not last longer than 1 hour the player will try to avoid Revenants and Glasps, by either hiding behind objects, throwing very few smoke bottles or simply pointing. But this is not required as enemies are so deaf, blind and numb that it is even possible to just walk beside them or get pushed around by one without ever being noticed. Until some random event decides to detect her anyways, even through objects that should cover her. And every fail is punished with a Game Over.It perfectly demonstrates that the stealth mechanics in Revelations 2 are barely working and easily broken.There is nothing in this DLC that makes it worthwhile. Even the added records like "Finish Little Miss without being detected once" only award few skill points. Some fog effect that covers everything, one atmospheric soundtrack that playes in the background and an additional costume for Natalia are the only noteworthy additions. If anything, this DLC should have been a free unlockable inside the main game. Which it can be to some extend, if you own the Deluxe Edition. Or like i do, as Preorder bonus.We all know that Natalia loves Lottie and that Alex is in her head. There is no point in repeating that over and over.This could have been an attempt at a psychological horror episode, with a captured child as victim of tests, a dark scientific project, and the dramatic escape, but instead it is just hide and seek with Revenants.
RER2 Extra Episode: Little Miss Download 2gb Ram