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Swordbreaker The Game Full Crack [Xforce]


About This Game Through the dense fog our hero noticed a dark silhouette of a dark castle. Eventually his old rain-soaked map brought him to his target. He didn't have anything with him except for his favorite sword and remainings of an old armor with an unusual device – a sword-breaker. The hero looked around and stepped on the castle bridge... This game is about a hero who, as fate would have it, finds himself in an abandoned castle. There will be many obstacles on his way to the treasure hidden somewhere inside, with most remarkable adversaries he will have to face and mysteries to unravel. All this to receive his well-earned reward in the end!"Swordbreaker The Game" gives you a rare opportunity to find yourself in interactive fiction, where each player has their own storyline to develop. Every action or decision will have an effect on how the story unfolds and how it all ends. Some moves you make will change your character's karma, and others can lead you to the darkest corners of the castle, so be careful! Because any step you take may turn out to be the last one!Main features of the game:- A compelling totally non-linear game story- Various endings- A huge mysterious castle- Lots of exciting locations and events- Impressive enemies and inhabitants of the castle- Absolutely stunning artwork- Achievement system 6d5b4406ea Title: Swordbreaker The GameGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:DuCats Games StudioPublisher:DuCats Games StudioFranchise:Swordbreaker The GameRelease Date: 6 Nov, 2015 Swordbreaker The Game Full Crack [Xforce] swordbreaker the game review. swordbreaker the game gameplay. swordbreaker the game. swordbreaker the game mod apk. swordbreaker the game android. swordbreaker the game download. swordbreaker the game 4pda. swordbreaker the game apk 1.0.4. swordbreaker the game apk. swordbreaker the game walkthrough. swordbreaker the game text quest apk. swordbreaker the game wiki The story is a little genre mixed and the UI could use some love, but it's exactly what I wanted - a choose your own adventure book with some entertaining twists and graphic panels. I bought it on sale. For one dollar, you can't go wrong.. Swordbreaker is a unique visual novel. The writing here let's be honest here it downright bad on the whole level. Very poor effort when into the writing. The music is decent i guess thou some extra music tracks would have helped it. Now as for the artwork it is wickedly awesome some of the best art ive seen in a while. There are also many diffrent choices that you can make though out the game giving it some nice replayability. Over all i would say that is average at best. The whole point to this novel was the artwork. Having a price tag of $2.99 is fair i would say. My over all rating would be 5/10. With out the awesome artwork it would be a 2 or 3 at best.So should you pick this up well only if you like this type of artwork then yes. If your here for a story then i would move along.. Swordbreaker could be tagged as a Visual Novel, but it seems a little short on narrative and long on choice for that genre. The writing can often be juvenile, especially with an out of place subplot about aliens and nuclear rockets and an odd nod to Nightmare on Elm Street, but I feel the art and mechanics choices more than make up for it.You play an anonymous adventurer who suddenly inherits a map to a castle from a stranger. Down on your luck you decide to check it out. And so begins this modern remix of Fighting Fantasy with a hint of Shadowgate. Each scene is short and to the point, and presents about two to three choices. Often times, only one choice will lead to survival, so they are not really narrative choices. There are still plenty of branching paths, and the whole story won't be revealed in one or even two play throughs, so you'll have to play through multiple times to put everything together. This isn't as much of a chore as it sounds, as you can find everything and unlock all the scenes over the course of an afternoon.I initially liked the three lives and single save mechanic, as it prevented save scumming, added tension to your life and death choices, and yet still gave you a little flexibility to explore your choices. After the first few playthroughs though, it felt irritating as you realise that each playthrough is relativley short, removing the tension. This is especially irritating when you are picking choices that you know will probably kill you, just to find the nuggets that you're missing. I think after unlocking the three main endings, I would have liked a "rewind" mechanic in order to more efficiently find all the scenes that I had missed along the way. On that note, the castle map feature is really well laid out, and is really helpful in navigating subsequent playthroughs to find what you've missed.The writing is a little hit and miss. Some of the subplots are dumb, while some of the other characters (such as the cook) are interesting showing more depth to them as you encounter them from different entrances and leave the scenario in different ways. Some of the choices you're presented with are also off-the-walls bonkers, especially when you consider how dangerous the castle is, and why you would even be motivated to do them. Examples include, slapping a naked banshee's behind (hey, toots!), stopping to try on a dress while in the middle of fleeing pursuit, evading/fighting a shark by throwing a dress on it, or the many opportunities to take naps at what would appear to be inopportune and very dangerous situations. You'll also run into a few type-o's here and there, such as referring to your mid-section as "waste" instead of "waist." This could all be due to botched translation, from "Unknown Translator" (I'm not kidding here, check the credits), but you get what you pay for I guess, and if you can't even be bothered to pay a credit title... However, I think most of the translation is fairly well done, and I wish the volunteer could get some credit for his/her work.The art is amazing, and abundant. Period.Technically sound, with the only issue I ran into was during the Eplilogue Sequences. They are unskippable, even after viewing them once, have excessive pauses, and only respond to one button press if you don't want to wait for them. If you press "ESC" it crashes to desktop instead of skipping to the next picture and words, or to the credits, or going to menu or anything.Overall, I would say that the price is right. For most people who are interested in the genre, it'll still be time well spent even with its rough spots. I give Swordbreaker a strong recommendation, and am excited to see what else comes out of DuCats in the future, especially with improved writing and translation.. Well it's a pick your own adventure when you can never guess if the option you chose will end it progress or untimely death. Example, dodging right will sucessfully evade attack in some scenarions, but in others it will kill you and you should've dodged left without any indication of what is the correct answer.The artwork is cool and exploring differnt pathways is certainly fun, although it's pretty easty to get all 3 endings in less than 2 hours.Having all that in mind, I think the game is a fun time waster but don't expect a lot of depth to it.. This game was just what i needed 10/10.. A crazy Gygax inspired dungeon crawl that plays like a charmingly lethal choose your own adventure.. This "choose-your-own-adventure" typed game really does have everything:- Swords- Breaker of such swords- Hellish puppy dogs- Boobs- Slugs- Death- More Death- Unique style of visuals- Unique style of humorjust about's only missing aliens at that point...oh wait.... Great game thats alot of fun if you don't mind reading. Its like a Choose your own adventure book if you remeber those. I would recommend this to fans of the Tell Tale games as it is entirley story and decision driven. Awesome art work and i love that you can veiw previous decisions to kinda help strategize.. Just a colourful memory game with no sense or logic behind any choice whatsoever.


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